bash tricks accumulated over the last several weeks:

Argument expansion

Need to move or copy a file under a long directory tree?

cp /this/is/a/really/long/path/to/{file-01,file-02}.txt

Git filter-branch

Need to get rid of large media files in your Git repo throughout the entire history of the project?

git filter-branch --index-filter \
    'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch ./path/to/file/*.ext' \
    --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

Supports wildcard matching!

History Expansion

There are several techniques here, but my current favorites are sudo !! (re-run the last command as sudo), and !<string> (run the most recent command starting with string).

Long-running Processes with screen

Running a multi-hour/day process and don’t want your computer to be tied to the task? Use screen!

  • Create Ctl-a Ctl-c
  • Switch Ctl-a n, Ctl-a p
  • List Ctl-a "
  • Name Ctl-a A
  • Kill Ctl-a k
  • Detach Ctl-a d

To re-attach you can list screens with screen -list. Then re-attach with screen -r {SCREEN-ID}.

Git stash

Just because it’s not entirely clear how this works, but it really is this simple:

git stash save "Short description"
git stash list
git stash pop stash@{0}

If you’re on “branch-A” and want changes to apply to “branch-B”, simply checkout branch-B and then stash.

Remove Pesky Windows Linebreaks

I frequently observe Windows-style line-endings in code files. These can introduce confusion into the repo history, as inconsistency in line-break handling will cause lines that may have no visible changes to be recorded as a change. Here’s a little vim magic to remove these cleanly:
