Exciting Dotfile Enhancements

Over the weekend, I’ve been cleaning up, organizing and improving my dotfiles. Below are a couple of things that I’m most excited about. Zsh in Vim Mode I’ve been using zsh for a while, but only recently starting using zsh in Vim mode. One thing that’s been sorely missing is moving by word in INSERT mode. I got this working by adding the following to ~/.zshrc: bindkey '^b' backward-word bindkey '^w' forward-word With this config loaded, I can move forward by word boundaries with Control-w and backward with Control-b....

2016-09-11 · 2 min · 261 words · Nathaniel Hoag

Just a Little Bug

It’s an old bug but a tiny stumbling block for zsh users who are new to Jekyll/Octopress. On submitting the following command I was getting a silly error in response. Command: $ rake new_post["First Post\!"] Error: zsh: no matches found: new_post[First Post!] I ultimately ended up here. Escapes are fine, but I decided to go with the “noglob” alias in .zshrc given that it’s difficult enough to write on a regular basis :)

2013-08-20 · 1 min · 73 words · Nathaniel Hoag