Another Hodgepodge Update

Recently, a bash script that I’ve used many times on lots of different types of servers was giving very strange results. Typically the script is called as ./ info.cfg and proceeds to run through several processes. On this occasion, I was left with : command not found. When I hit the script with bash -x I could see that both the script and the config file were giving strange results and choking on line-breaks and curly braces....

2013-12-29 · 2 min · 425 words · Nathaniel Hoag

A Simple Docker-hosted Hubot

I’ve been playing with Hubot a bit lately, and decided to up the ante on the endeavor by creating a Hubot Docker container. There were a couple of misadventures before landing on a stable source container from which it will now be crazy easy to extend and deploy. I set up Docker using the instructions here. You may notice from reviewing the Dockerfile that line 6 imports a ‘Universe’ apt source....

2013-09-30 · 1 min · 211 words · Nathaniel Hoag