New Year, Shiny Dots

Over the last few weeks I’ve been digging away on my dotfiles and figured I’d write up the interesting aspects of the various decisions, methods and changes involved. The high-level overview is that I moved to a bare Git repository structure, added an installer script and some light multi-OS support, and added automated linting and a few basic tests. After using a symlinked dotfiles system for a couple of years, I got curious as to whether there might be decent alternatives....

2018-01-21 · 3 min · 473 words · Nathaniel Hoag

Exciting Dotfile Enhancements

Over the weekend, I’ve been cleaning up, organizing and improving my dotfiles. Below are a couple of things that I’m most excited about. Zsh in Vim Mode I’ve been using zsh for a while, but only recently starting using zsh in Vim mode. One thing that’s been sorely missing is moving by word in INSERT mode. I got this working by adding the following to ~/.zshrc: bindkey '^b' backward-word bindkey '^w' forward-word With this config loaded, I can move forward by word boundaries with Control-w and backward with Control-b....

2016-09-11 · 2 min · 261 words · Nathaniel Hoag