Many and Varied Ramblings From the First Half of 2015

The last six months have been very full with the arrival of our first baby and all the prep work and new responsibilities that go with being a new parent. Here and there I’ve managed to squeeze in little hobby projects. Much to my astonishment, I also won the !!Con attendance lottery(!!), and had an amazing few days in NYC. !!Con !!Con was an extremely fun conference, and I consider myself so lucky to have won the attendance lottery....

2015-06-29 · 4 min · 802 words · Nathaniel Hoag

Scripted GitHub GeoJSON Gists

I put together a GitHub Gist with a generated GeoJSON document, along with the bash command that was used to create the data. GitHub automatically generates maps for GeoJSON files in Gists and repositories. This is well documented at the following article: The script pulls data from eBird API, transforms the data structure into GeoJSON format using jq, and then POSTs the result to a GitHub Gist where it is displayed as an interactive map....

2014-04-26 · 1 min · 76 words · Nathaniel Hoag