Helpful Tidbits

Below is a smattering of helpful tidbits from the last several months. less Case-insensitive search: Add -i to your LESS environment variable Drupal Hide fieldgroups with all child fields: field_group_hide_field_groups($form, array('field_group_name')); OS X “Disable” the dock by setting a long autohide delay: defaults write autohide-delay -float 5 Clear the clipboard: pbcopy </dev/null wc Consider the following: # 'HELLO' + newline echo HELLO | wc -m 6 # Just 'HELLO' echo -n HELLO | wc -m 5 Google Hangout Toggle camera: ⌘ + e Toggle microphone: ⌘ + d Much better than using a mouse!...

2016-09-04 · 1 min · 130 words · Nathaniel Hoag